Careful, Your Agenda Is Showing

It's clear there are many people whose primary interest is defending law enforcement. Why won't anyone own it? That's all I ask. Own it.

I always chuckle to myself when Truthers accuse me of this. My interactions with LE have been limited, and more negative than positive. One questioned me about somebody's stolen bike when I was a young kid. In college, I was a passenger in a car that got pulled over merely because we all had long hair and looked like "hippies." I got a few speeding tickets. More recently, I was on a jury that acquitted a guy in a murder case because the prosecution didn't meet its burden of proof. As a victim of a violent crime, I was more than a little displeased with the lazy job done by detectives. Just last week I complained to an officer who blocked a crosswalk, ignoring nearby parking places, so he could serve some papers. He wanted to know my name and see my license. I asked if he was arresting me, he said no, we shared a few choice words, and that was that.

All of which does not predispose me to arbitrarily defend cops. And I don't.

/r/StevenAveryCase Thread