Room full of male lawmakers, discussing taking away maternity coverage


Let me preface my response with this: when I read these comments, if I disagree with someone I usually play devil's advocate to try to understand where they are coming from. It's a great mental exercise and helps me sympathize with others' viewpoints. If more people did this, I honestly think it would solve a lot of today's problems... especially in today's toxic political climate where everyone seems to think there is only one correct answer.

Anyways, as a lurker who hardly ever responds to anyone, I just want to let you know that it took me scrolling down THIS FAR to find a post that is ignorant beyond defense. I stopped reading your "response" as soon as you made a generalization of people living in the South (note the capitalization... it's a good idea to learn English if you're going to live in the United States. Especially if you consider yourself smarter). This is coming from someone who lives in lowly Nebraska. Pull your head out of your ass. You're doijg our country a disservice with that kind of negative, false rhetoric.

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