[UK] Old fighter jet at an airshow fails loop and crashes into the carriageway

In that short moment before his death as the cockpit collapsed around him an autonomous reaction occured in his body sending large amounts of dmt into his blood stream and his brain. As he approaches his fate time slows down, the last moment seems to last an eternity as parts of the cockpit cracks and warps with the impact. He doesn't feel fear anymore, and is visited by images of his best moments in life.

The passage of time is not affected by these images, they overcome him and he forgets about his fate, hypnotized by the images of his life. He sees his hopes and dreams played out before him. He lives his greatest desires. Eventually he will see God and visit his ancestors and have the greatest conversations with them. He will experience 1000 lifetimes before his brain is destroyed in the crash.

When we compare our relative experiences together, he's still alive in his, he pulled out of that death spiral and life went on for him. He saw his family grow up and successful, and maybe he's on the most amazing adventure now with his wife.

/r/Roadcam Thread Parent Link - youtu.be