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I mean it’s true, for remarkable people. most people will just say have rich parents makes it work but the alternative to rich parents is to have some kind of genius. Capitalism has ruined the human system by providing the unremarkable a way to become a facsimile of remarkable: rich. If we didnt require capital to survive then people who don’t want to be revolutionary would just get to eat and sleep and fuck and be entertained by those who are remarkable. One of capitalisms greatest lie is not just that you’re the main character, but that everyone wants to be the main character and that to be anything else is bad. But here I am, screaming into fucking Reddit instead of doing the work I should be doing, the work that I chose for myself and the work that will give me purpose (it’s art btw calm down I’m not a grindset weirdo I’m an artist with adhd and motivation problems)

/r/restofthefuckingowl Thread Link -