Debunk this- Have I (an skeptical, atheist) found *solid, reputable* proof of the origin of 'Smithsonian Giants' CT. (pages 113 and 362)

[Note]- Important new source, concerning this post Apologies In advance for being kinda obnoxious- I got really excited.

Also; Sorry for annoying doc; Pertinent passages at pages 113 and 362

BINGO!!! You wouldn't believe it! TIL- That the crazy bible-thumpin Conspiracy Theory -that Giant Nephilim kicked around pre-columbian America, and the Smithsonian knew about it- is TRUE (kind of, technically, to some extent, but still…) OK, so there is only good, solid evidence (as opposed to the usual photoshopped pics and citations of dodgy newspaper reports) for a handful of bodies, and they’re very unusually tall (taller than the tallest current NBA player), but not anomalously tall. And it seems likely that they were (as RandomName34785784 suggested) preferentially buried because they were tall, rather than being random examples of their populations; although I did find some indications that some Plains Indians populations were, on average, a little taller than modern Americans (despite the trend for people to be shorter further back in history).So; “source?” I hear you ask. 1894’s Twelfth Annual Report from the Smithsonian’s Bureau of Ethnology Mentions at least two skeletons over 7ft tall. One is described thus:“The length from the base of the skull to the bones of the toes was found to be 7 feet 3 inches. It is probable, therefore, that this individual when living was fully 7½ feet high”. The other,“ lying at full length on its back, was one of the largest skeletons discovered by the Bureau agents, the length as proved by actual measurement being between 7 and 8 feet.” These skeletons are not still around, as they were in poor condition when dug up.I found this document through an excellent, truly open-minded, yet sceptical and firmly evidence based article by Micah Hanks. (He cites Jason Colavito as putting him onto the Smithsonian Docs.) This article contains other reputable references about unusually tall Native Americans (fuck it) GIANT frikkin’ INDIANS.

Just to be clear, I realise that there are processes which can, to some extent, distort a buried skeleton, and that the significance of these extremely (but not anomalously) tall skeletons depends on the number of other, non-‘giant’ skeletons found. I just find it very interesting that there is some kernel of truth at the core of the (ridiculously exaggerated, almost unsupported) Creationist Conspiracy Theory about “The Smithsonian Cover up of Giant Indian Skeletons.”

TL;DR- Thank you “Debunk this”, for helping me learn that Bigfoot and Nephilim are totally, absolutely, 100% Real.

Now, I’m off to buy some magic undies become a Mormon.

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