We are living in the End of Times. The apocalypse is truly upon us.

Why is that? Because of a few eccentric looking trump fans or because of the large popularity trump has gained? All I see on reddit is pictures that make fun of his appearance and his supporters. The only thing wrong this picture is that it's being used by people like you along with the rest in order to dismiss a potentially great candidate, and for reasons that have absolutely no political bearing. And don't tell me that's not exactly what this picture is being used for - it's what has been done with every republican candidate for every past and recent election. Many uniformed voters who don't question what they see or hear frequent this website and many others only to develop the belief that such candidates are unelectable and evil dictators whom are plotting the "end of the world", solely due to irrelevant things such as both candidates appearance and a few people attending a rally of his, along with a vast amount of unsupported, biased and emotionally charged opinions found everywhere on the site. The content posted on this site is dominated by nothing but negative and unrelated material - along with the titles and comment threads. Their are things wrong with trump and candidates such as McCain, Bush and Romney, but this site and almost all of the media available in this country focuses entirely on things that have no political relevance; it's just muckracking on a mass scale that is hugely problematic due to the tendency of a majority of this countries population to not question the validity and relevance of the content that is pushed upon them and popularized by this countries media/social media, as almost all of this content has no importantance to any actual issue while relevant information is glossed over and ignored due it not being popular. And for this reason I find this title to be very ironic - I honestly am starting to believe the film Idiocracy may be the most accurate prediction of the future this country and the whole world as we know it. We may actually be approaching our demise and "the end of the world" as we know it due to the only reason that this picture was posted here and the effects that result from it and many others just like it, and it's happening increasingly only because people are letting it happen through their willful ignorance and lack of regard for being open minded and politically informed. Overall my point is not to argue that trump is the best candidate, instead the fact that it would not matter if he was to people like you responsible for invalidating his legitimacy as a candidate through irrelevant media and to the overwhelming amount of people who have no regard for anything politically relevant to the candidate, who base their political opinions and vote off of whatever the popular opinion is in the media.

/r/pics Thread Link - i.imgur.com