Deleuzian thought experiment

Hmm... I think ur stuff about how we beleive our ideas to be new isbpretty on the money because if it happens it was always a part of us? my personal perspective is different to yours in relation to the current desires of our society. I believe the issue is less that we are valorising the future and present but more that we are preoccupied with nostalgia. Baudrillard talks about nostalgia in simulacra and simulations that I think would be really beneficial in your understanding. When deleuze is talking about signification as infinitely deferred like how you discuss how societies images represent their past, I relate this to baudrillard where he maintains nostalgia references the real and referential everywhere so that we feel we are not in hyper-reality. Societies desire things that have the combination of exotic/familiar. The familiar being the insertion of the real and requiring the reproduction of images and the continuationof representation. You could also look at this dichotomy as being deteritorialisation (exotic) and reteritorialisation (familiar). Does this change your mind at all? What are your thoughts on this?

I'm just a 20 yr old comms student so I may be botching these lol this is merely my interpretation

/r/Deleuze Thread