Did this vendor accidentally ship out more than he was suppose too?

You people are really a tin foil hat kind of crowd. Do you think their are completely legitimate packages mailed from these locations everyday? How is it that you think they are somehow magically going to know that it's a box of pot? I saw an article recently where an Le officer was quoted as saying these people that buy drugs from the darknet aren't the sophisticated cyber criminals they think they are. Newsflash you're not Jason Bourne you're not some sort of high-profile John Gotti type figure. All your "OPSEC" iyou are not members of the intelligence community you are not Elite military operatives you're not even big time gangsters you're buying pot off the internet and frankly I don't think anybody really gives a fuck and the only thing you have to worry about is a dumbass vendor who has been profiled or who lacks the knowledge or perhaps to work ethic to package their products properly or somebody snitching on you because you've gotten into it over some petty bullshit that's exactly how most people go down that and riding down the road not having their shit together so quit using cliched terms like opsec

/r/DankNation Thread