Don’t judge me for my habits

If you mean ERB in general: my "type" is fun, breezie stuff that I play to chill out while I work at home, or when I'm done working. ERB fits into my "type" nicely, but so do internet reviewers who keep their cool. People like Mr. Enter or Moviebob are not my type, and neither is anyone who defaults to "COMIC BOOK MOVIES ARE THE SPAWN OF SATAN AND ARE KILLING CINEMA!" every time a new comic book movie comes out.

If you mean the political fights in particular: I like the Obama one because it's evenly-matched and feels more like an actual fight. the Trump ones feel more like Pete and Lloyd yelling "DON'T VOTE FOR TRUMP!" at the top of their lungs. I always saw Death Battle and ERB as sister show, and since I admire DB for never taking sides when it comes to politics and religion, I prefer ERB to not take sides on those issues, either.

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