Down horrendous on my cone purchases

man, because i never consider them as a tradable items, i bought some, i dont like it, i traded it or sold it for loss to get some that match my taste, i still going after something i like to have because i like to combine them with my avatar .. (now im offering for avatars with fancy numbers, because i like to collect them, previously i owned 3 low mint and facny numbers avatars and already traded them for other avatars, without making any profit from them)

most of the things i sold are either i bought from store or traded with another person for my avatar. some i purchased with my money and im holding it and not whining in the internet because i dont give a damn abt it...

TALKING ABT MONEY, i already covered and got my " INVESTMENT as u say" back. these are all just my spare money to play with..

TLDR: avatars are not investments.

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