Colin supporting Bethany Hamilton on excluding trans women from competing in women's surf competitions

I don't know, I'd like to give Colin the benefit of the doubt as a lot of these discussions aren't inherently anti-trans (depending on who's having them) because there is valid room for concerns regarding amab people competing against afab people in certain sports such as track, football, weight lifting, etc. There are just undeniable physical advantages - that it would be similar to denying that there are physical benefits for weight class/age which is why they have those categories. But, this feels different because professional surfing is such a small sport that it feels like they're wanting to oust trans women before there's even been a trans woman trying to compete - like, does this discussion even have a real-world basis? Was there even a person trying to compete? Also, maybe I'm wrong about this, but is there a physical advantage to surfing? It seems like it's a more even sport than something like football.

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