EMSK Why Girls Aren't Attracted To Nice Guys

While this is all true and something every guy needs to hear, at some point you need to understand it is not checking boxes on a scorecard. There is a spark that is either there or not, and no amount of points can make it happen.

The biggest things you can do that are within your control are to be the best version of yourself possible, work hard towards your goals (almost every woman finds that attractive, regardless of your goals, and you should do it even if that wasn't the case), and build your confidence in social settings. Be an interesting person. If you aren't passionate about something now, try dozens of things until you find something you really love. Dive into it. It does not need to be something stereotypically masculine and trying to force yourself to be interested in something you aren't will not work.

How do you go from being that guy on the corner of the group on your phone terrified to talk to people to the one who walks into a room full of strangers and immediately makes 5 new friends? Practice. Put yourself in new social settings. Be intentional. Meet people (of both genders), talk to them without any motive other than getting to know them. Do it over and over again. It's gonna suck at first, you won't be good at it. Being sociable is a skill just like any other. One day though, you'll notice you can enter a totally unfamiliar setting and get to know new people quickly and without stress. Pretty quickly you'll be able to approach women you find attractive without anxiety.

And ultimately know that there are some women that will never be attracted to you, and there are far too many others out there for you to get caught up over one. If one girl is not into you, pining over her will not make her fall for you, accept the loss and move on.

/r/everymanshouldknow Thread