EMSK: Proper travel behavior and etiquette

Some of the points listed are good, but holy shit does this person come off like an ass hole. That whole bit about how everyone who waited in line except him looked like his dumb cows was a little excessive. The blanket statement about pillows and reclining is kind of dumb too. I've taken round trips from the east coast of the US to Japan at least once a year since I was 4 years old. I'm 25 now. And although I don't bring one, there have been many times when I've envied the person next to me with a neck pillow. But it never physically bothered me one bit. And on long flights like these, if you want to get any kind of sleep, you're going to have to recline your seat. If you don't, your head is going to be falling forward every five minutes, waking you up. If you can't sleep on a 13 hour flight you're going to have a bad time. And since everyone else is doing it, it basically evens out, especially on the big intercontinental planes that have a tiny bit more leg room, even in economy.

I wouldn't bring these things up and just write it off to the author not having experienced international flying but he specifically mentions intercontinental flights in his 13th point. Instead, he just sounds like a stuck up teenage girl trying to be edgy after she had a bad experience flying to Europe for her semester abroad.

/r/everymanshouldknow Thread Link - thoughtcatalog.com