Fittingly, Loki is the character that has had the biggest overall impact on the MCU timeline up to this point

Ok question here on how quantum, time travel, alternate timelines & the multiverse work in marvel. I’m set w the multiverse, but if Loki disappears in the timeline we know - does this mean he won’t be there for thanos to kill and thanks may end up killing Thor?

That scene to me is just dying for answers (opening of Infinity War)

Or is there a grandfather paradox at play? Someone help! I understand he creates another parallel / alternate timeline by using the tesseract - but are there two Loki’s now or just one? Idk how the tesseract works. They’ve been vague about quantum. Placing the stones back so they don’t change anything - would allude to just time travel within the same timeline. Does each time someone goes back in time = a new timeline? I would say no if it wasn’t disrupted right? Is this only in the case for Loki?

/r/LokiTV Thread