Gotta burst your bubble, guys. We're all getting replaced soon.

It's really about having a well-scoped use case. Trying to use AI to replace your entire development and operations team? Not going to go well. But if you already have a tool that is about some kind of text extraction/analysis that can leverage AI to save time, extract discrete data, or flag something as 'potentially unusual' for human review? Yeah, LLMs are probably worth at least some type of exploration.

There's a whole bunch of companies that are fundamentally about moving data, around or giving people an easy way to record discrete data that might already exist in some other form.

Zooming in even further, there are a chunk of companies that specifically create chatbots for other use cases, often specialized for a specific industry/type of company. I'd absolutely expect ChatGPT to be able to directly translate into that kind of use case.

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