Why do you hate fat people?

Incoming wall of text, sorry.

Circlejerk style: fucking beetus juice drinking lazy planets affect my inner gravity throwing me off balance.

Truthful: normally, so long as they aren't in my path, they don't bother me. I don't care how someone chooses to kill themselves, and they are typically helping prove Darwinism. Paying for their healthcare, smelling them, hearing their excuses, being displaced by their mass, and looking at their cellulite all triggers me though.

I see people like boogie and think, "man, think how successful that slob could be if he just cut some calories and stopped making excuses."

I was a ripped when I got out of the service(6' 225lbs with a 29" waist), but had a nasty motorcycle cycle accident that gave me an excuse to become a fat slob. I woke up when I was pushing 260 and thought I had a heart attack(doc thought it was indigestion) at barely 40 years old. I gave up my excuses, doing instead of trying, and managed to get back down to a 170lbs 30" waist at my leanest. I've since put on a bit of mass and am sitting at 6' 185 with a 30" waist. It was really odd that the majority of my aches and pains went away with the weight. The leg still hurts when I really push myself, like a day of water skiing(I managed 8 slalom runs back to back last weekend ending with 28 off before it started hurting), but I'm old so I don't expect to invincible like my early years. I didn't eat different, I just ate less and exercised what I could. I have trouble keeping my legs even as the bad side tends to get a smaller quad since I favor it(I tore the top tendon on my kneecap when I got in the accident, my kneecap was on top of my shin), but I managed to work around the issues instead of trying to push through them and fail then make excuses.

I don't see smokers pushing for smoking acceptance, alcoholics pushing for alcohol acceptance, but somehow the fastest growing epidemic needs acceptance? We tax smokes because they lead to health care costs, we tax alcohol for the same reason, why not tax fatty food? Canada taxes the F out of smokes and booze for the same reason. It's one thing to love yourself for things you can't fix, but to delude yourself, your children, and recruit people to delude themselves for lack of self control is pathetic.

TL:DR I was ripped, turned into a fatty, got healthy again. Supporting fatties by proxy sucks and we don't need to accept fatties, we don't need to encourage them, we need to figure out how to stop them from becoming fatties to begin with and break the cycle.

/r/fatpeoplehate55 Thread