At least 2 shot outside Muhammad cartoon exhibit In Garland, Texas

Apparently you intentionally like to distort the facts to make it appear like the citizens here are rednecks, bigoted, and racist from what I gather, basically stereotyping all who live in these areas, as if that is going to prove your point of baiting muslims, or (god I hope your not this ignorant) justify shooting a police officer just doing his job to put food on his family's table. Since I live about 5 minutes from the Curtis Culwell center, and you are talking about my fellow neighbors and my self, I will speak the truth since you are too cowardly to do so.

-The mascot is a Colonel, not a confederate Colonel.

-"South Garland was established in 1964 and became the second high school to serve the Garland community. The Colonel was chosen as the official mascot of South Garland because "colonel" was a title of respect commonly used in the South. To be called a colonel was the greatest honor one could receive. A Colonel embodies the attributes of leadership, courage, pride, and dignity. South Garland is proud of its heritage and as the traditional saying goes, "Its great to be a Colonel"!"

The acts of one person in Mesquite after 9/911 do not represent all who live in the area, to assume so clearly indicates you are an ignorant person.

Do you sympathize with the gunmen who shot at this event? If you disagree with the nature of the event, or the people's beliefs, it still does not warrant being shot at for it, that is the clear and only distinction to draw from this, since we have free speech in this country, the argument over having the event or not is a moot point, and is personal opinion, not subject to law. It does illustrate the point that in January when the pro muslim event who's keynote speaker was indicted on federal charges involving terrorism was speaking, none of the citizens who disagreed with the event decided to shoot it up. The anti-muslim event that was held in response to the first mentioned event drew violence from 2 men in the muslim community. So you tell me, who is intolerant of others views? You cannot deny facts and clear logic.

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