Spring 30x30 Remix Challenge: Post Your Albums

So far all my dressed.so outfits are April, so- here goes! http://dressed.so/user/view/spongefan89

Favorites: * 4/13-work. * 4/18. * 4/25.

Least favorite:

Aspects I thought worked well

I'm really enjoying adding more neutrals and black, while still keeping some color. I used to dress almost exclusively in brights and pastels, which could wind up looking twee or just weird. I'll never be a head-to-toe black Everlane clothing girl, but it's fun to let your colors/statement items pop against a more neutral backdrop.

** Things that didn't work **

Still trying to figure out how to use my brighter/pastel handbags.

Personal Style realizations

I realized that some things I genuinely enjoy, and that look good on me, may be read as "trashy" by some people who favor a style that I'd probably think was boring. It occurred to me that trashy/boring is kind of in the eye of the beholder. I mean, I'm not wearing $5 sequined F21 party dresses, so I don't think I look like Snooki or anything, but I acknowledge that some people will see an exposed midriff and automatically assume it's tacky. And like, that's fine. I realized that I don't need to please everyone.

Doing differently next time

I want to make use of more items in my closet, put more effort into my clothing in general, and wear more high-waisted and A-line stuff, this seems to be the most flattering on me.

/r/femalefashionadvice Thread