Help with Matchups

Darius - Unwinnable match-up unless he fucks up really hard early game and you kill him twice before 6, he is stronger in every level before 6 and after 6, your only option is to outplay him. Dodge his E with your E. But overall I find kled more useful for your team in mid to late game, if you can get a kill thats nice, otherwise don't die laning phase or ask/wait for ganks.

Mordekaiser - Didn't play this match-up yet..

Dr Mundo - Abuse him before first back, he will outscale you and if you let him poke you he can eventually kill you in lane, Q him lvl 1 and go for a long trade you win that, before the first back you have to all in him all the time, he can't kill you that way. After 6 it's super hard to kill him but if you have 2 kills before 6 you can kill him after 6 too, don't bother building executioners if you didn't get a kill and your jungler is not ganking you (imo), just play around the map and play the game I guess, it's useless to fight him because he will outscale you anyway.

Aatrox - Yeah, it's not that easy to fuck up on this match-up but if you fuck up, you are really in a bad spot, most of the times you can 1v1 him pretty easily if you make sure he doesnt land a full combo on you which is hard since you are kled, if you all in him, he cant land his full combo on you anyway and before 6 he cant really kill you, his early game is now worse cuz he wont have passive everytime you 2 trade anymore, just try to all in all the time. After 6 he can kill you if you dont play it well.

In those match-ups play smart is the best option, the only thing you have to do is not to make big mistakes and you should be fine. Against darius if he is good enough it's super hard to win and you have to play it pretty well, you can figure out how good he is by level 1 usually, sometimes only on lvl 3-4.

/r/KledMains Thread