Voodoo is African in origin and really a Religion. Hoodoo is a modern ritual practice. It is a blend of many generations of people healing and creating a better path for themselves and their future people (regardless of who is choosing to give birth or not).

I have watched you get very angry. And my perspective on the fractured continental past of north and south America is from another continent, right now, because I just can't tolerate the hate any more. The suffering every single person who didn't fit in to a narrow band of permission across the planet, for so long it is heart breaking, has been through is devastated.

I have been hurt quite a lot in my life. Beaten, abused psychologically, had stupid amount of money and things stolen, been betrayed for laughable reasons, had people take advantage of my patience, lost quite a lot of the people I loved or cared for, and faced stunning racism that made me blink back my words. But you dear are on another leve of fanaticism. And I can't figure out why.

Did you know we went to the moon because of a fair lady who could calculate in her head complex mathematical equations on velocity and trajectory? Karen Johnson was my shade of beige. My grandmother was very dark. Are you hating everyone by the shade of their skin?

Are you sure that we don't have ancestors who were from Africa if you reach back far enough? Do you know that there are ghost populations in our Genetic Code? Populations that are some of our ancestors? I know and have hung out with plenty of actual Africans where I live now. Was Trevor Noah not African enough for you?

Have you ever been to Africa? I haven't. But I have been to the Eastern Caribbean and sat with ladies there and talked root work. The bartender's at some places.would bring out the home spiced rum for me when they saw me returning from the sea or coming down the road. I've been to the deep south, Mexican jungles, Venezuelan coastal areas and had myself a fine time with people of every ethnic origin.

I am no Voodoo practitioner and would never make such a bold claim. What I am is something different and that fits into Hoodoo very well.

I hope that you find a way to let go of your hate for people who don't look like you. I just got used to liking who I am and acknowledging the ancestors who live through me in my DNA, no matter what colour or ethnicity they are. I have an ancestor who has descendants from every populated continent on the planet! One of my cousins gave me a picture of her with my grandmother's mother, her second child. This amazing rootworker and mother of 9 children who all made it to adulthood would not be impressed by your hate.

And I am asking her to help your ancestors to help you stop suffering in the past.

Blessings and good JuJu.

/r/ConjureRootworkHoodoo Thread