I’m going to leave my boyfriend because he refuses to work less

Ok - i don’t know your relationship dynamics, but im guessing he loves you and doesn’t want to lose you, right?

If this is the case you need to sit his ass down and tell him not to interrupt you until your done. You need yo stress that this is serious. You will leave.

He is doing it all for you. He wants things to be different for you guys and this is the only way he knows how.

So come up with different ways.

Set a time every single day that is just for you two. No phones and no distractions. Go for a walk, talk, watch a movie, cook a meal together- whatever as long as it’s together.

Instead of going to lunch with his brother he should have gone with you, or invited you. He needs to understand that while what he’s doing you appreciate, but none of it means anything without him. You just want him.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread