What is your opinion of Trigger Warnings?

I am often very disturbed by images or descriptions of extreme violence, rape, eating disorders, and child abuse especially in contexts that demean or devalue their victims. These generally have little to do with my actual much more situational PTSD triggers. I just find those things deeply upsetting to the point of having vivid horrific nightmares after watching certain disturbingly violent movies. I appreciate when there is some sort of heads up to these things even if only contextual rather than spelled out but the onus to avoid them is also on me.

Movies have ratings and warnings to let you know that you might find certain things in them upsetting, books have a synopsis on the back and reviews that let you gauge their heaviness, even the news will warn you when they are about to show graphic images. Content warnings are something that most of our media incorporates or allows for.

The internet makes it a little harder. If you follow someone on Facebook who suddenly posts a terrible picture or says awful things about rape victims or transgender people, you don't have any warning for those images or words. You don't have a chance to contextually suss out that you might find something disturbing and avoid or prepare for it. The unexpectedness of these words or images can make them feel worse. There are also places and people on the internet who will intentionally try to shock or upset people with graphic descriptions or images.

On the other side, you can not expect the world to cater to you. If you have a friend on Facebook that posts things that upset you, unfriend them. Talk to them about why you find their posts disturbing. Avoiding everything that upsets you is impossible. If, using myself as an example, I wanted to avoid every incident of extreme violence in media, I would avoid learning about pretty much all of human history not to mention some of the best movies, books, and other media. If I decided to avoid ever reading about rape again, I would miss out on the stories and experiences of other men and women.

So I don't know, I am all for generalized warnings that already exist in our media but I also think that an individual has to learn to avoid the things that upset them for themselves. You can not expect other people to police the world for you.

/r/AskWomen Thread