How awesome would Dishonored VR be?

Yes the wii was successful, but no one uses it anymore

Wait, are you saying that no one uses a system that was released ten years ago anymore? What’s next? Will you tell me that people don’t play Pac-Man in the arcades anymore?

3D glasses is used, yes, but no one in the world likes it.

3D glasses are used in theatres for 3D films, aren’t they? What do you mean by “no one in the world likes it”? That’s one hell of an exaggeration.

It's not the lackluster quality of VR games that is a issue, it's simple human physiology. The way our brain works can't perceive the VR media without developing nausea besides in small bursts. It's especially bad for some people, the kind that get car sickness from reading or playing games while driving. There is something very fundamental in how our body works that doesn't just go away when you play a good game. We also don't know if there are any long-term consequences of using VR, and we won't know them until someone pulls all-nighters with VR gaming each weekend for half a lifetime.

True, but not all people experience nausea, and most VR games aren’t very likely to cause nausea. VR won’t be for everybody, in the same way not all people like every genre of video game.

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