How much do you agree with the statement “I’m excited about the future of the game”?

I’m excited me and my friends love playing this it’s really fun with the right people I got in late only play as Spider-Man but then got everyone a MCU skin and got Spidey max and now just kinda chill with friends on it I know people switch up the hero they play as but me and my friend only play as one then everyone else in the group got like a few people they work on getting to max but now we all kinda play a bit with other games having events like dead by daylight or fortnite they get pulled in other games but we link up at least for the raid or when we all bored just chilling in party would love to have more locations and boss fights or even pvp anything My group is excited and they believe the game is going places (especially how much $$$ we drop in cosmetics) I’m not holding my breath for anything but as the game stands right now I’m satisfied hopeful for more to come so everyone gets to use a hero they desire (my friends want Wanda strange war machine lol pretty much the whole endgame cast just to keep the list short) I’m not the one to be typing all this stupid shit up but I do like the game and want it to have the lasting power gta online dead by daylight has but the ball is on their field it’s up to them what they do with it

/r/PlayAvengers Thread