How do I get started in making app games?

If you want to learn how to make mobile games without learning programming (or at least not learning much) you should look into both ClickTeam Fusion 2.5 and GameMaker Studio. Both are very visually-oriented game creation tools. They can be limiting, but it's also a good place to start.

That said, if I may also give you a bit of advice:

Given the questions you've posted and your comments in this thread, I would suggest you look to another industry entirely since it sounds like 1 - you're not passionate about game design/development, and 2 - you're looking for an opportunity to make money.

Designing/creating polished, enjoyable games that will actually make money takes skill, time, and money. There's actually a much, much, much, much better chance you will lose money rather than make it at this point. About 5-7 years ago there was a tremendous boom in mobile and indie gaming that made it easy for even crap clone games to make a lot of money, but that ship has sailed and it won't be returning to port for another round.

If making indie games isn't a labor of love for you (and given your words in this thread it clearly isn't) it's the wrong thing for you to get into. From where you're standing right now you're looking at hundreds if not thousands of hours to learn the minimum skills you're going to need to make games people want to play and spend money on. If this is something you want to make money on in the next year or two, you really should have started developing your game design and coding skills at least 5 years ago. As it is from where you stand now, if you're serious and passionate about it and dedicate yourself to learning the craft then you might be able to start releasing small games that aren't complete ass within 2-3 years, and things you can actually sell a couple years later.

tl;dr: turn back now unless you want to lose money for the next half decade or so while you slow learn the relatively long list skills you'll need to make even a halfway competent game.

/r/Entrepreneur Thread