How do I turn off/hide the "1 person waiting" notice for checked out books on my shelf?

A while back I checked the library’s overdrive site & found nothing on how to acknowledge/deactivate it. I’m experimenting now w/limiting loan period (manually adjust to 7 day) via my library’s overdrive site so hopefully I won’t receive as many notifications.

I assume Librarians prefer to always have an available title on their shelf, or it’s an app flaw, so I do prioritise those. The others tho…when there’s more than 1 copy for multiple days in a row sitting on my library’s shelf…get a lot easier to ignore since nobody is actively waiting (indefinitely suspended holds being the culprit).

Complain to libby is the only other thing I can think of. Suspend all holds caters to folks who don’t <want to> use the libby app as actively as some. IMO suspended holds shouldn’t activate a notification on my end when they may never even decide to borrow the title - it’s a luxury for few, but an annoyance for many.

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