Huge parts unknown and Tony's fan. For the first time I am considering suicide could be a way out

I had commented then I took it down and now I’ll put it back up. The other side of a bad breakup is a powerfully sad place to be. I feel like it’s one of those times we are most vulnerable to “the tug” towards suicide as I saw one story describe it. I think that’s why his death hits even harder, it’s so relatable. 1 year is fresh, raw still. Moving a great distance is a second trauma unto itself. You are amidst 2 of the life circumstances people report as most stressful in surveys. It may be hard to believe or hear but things can improve, and will. One day you’ll stop thinking of her, you’ll get through the day without thinking about it. You’ll stop being angry about it. You’ll come to see she had issues and also accept your part. At the end of it all, waiting out the pain, slogging through the pain, and rebuilding a sense of self after the ending of a relationship can produce a stronger, more resilient person. A wiser person. A person with more perspective. A person who has become someone who is ready to and will attract someone wayyyy better. It requires time for solutions to present themselves, so figuring out what to do in the meantime is the key. Don’t kill yourself, kill time. How to keep going until things improve. Things that helped me were therapy; it accelerates healing and can make the difference between learning harmful, defensive, unconstructive coping skills -like fearing intimacy and pushing people away- vs more helpful lessons about who you want to be and how to move forward. There are low cost therapy programs, there are apps. Professional guidance is VERY helpful. Meds; I haven’t gone this route yet but it has been critical for many folks I know and requires someone who can prescribe. Depression causes physical changes in the brain meds can at least minimize or arrest so it doesn’t get worse. They can be temporary. Pet ownership (in lieu of a kid in my case;) my dogs have kept me alive. A plan, a set of things I do when I start to have negative thoughts. Take a nap, eat my favorite foods, walk the dogs, spend time with my family, call people, watch my favorite movies etc. A list of things I love/ things I’ve enjoyed and want to do again. Like I’d hate to not ever go to my favorite restaurant again, etc. A list of things I am grateful for. I add to and use both daily. Practice calling a hotline when you aren’t in crisis so you’re comfortable doing it in a crisis. Books “get it done when you’re depressed”, “mans search for meaning” (intense- read when in a good place), “how I survived when my brain was trying to kill me”. Figure out ways to get to the next hour, day, week. Make and achieve small goals. Stay single on purpose until you can be happy being single. The second issue is living somewhere new; honor AB and go explore your new home. Visit new restaurants, try a Meetup, create routines, find your new barber, your new coffee shop. Walk around. Meet people. If you can work on the settling in thing at the same time as the keeping going thing I found it to be a positive feedback loop. DM.

/r/AnthonyBourdain Thread