I'm an SA survivor, and I'm a little disappointed to see how little people recognize coercion as a form of SA.


The first time me and my now gf of three+ years fucked it was technically rape. We liked each other a lot, it was our third time hanging out. There was a lot of sexual tension, and I was drinking. I kept telling her it’s okay and yeses to her no’s. I started taking her pants off and finally she agreed to “just blow me”. I convinced her to let me eat her pussy, bc”I’m the best at it”, she came. I fucked her and she came two more times, I didn’t. She wanted to fuck me, just not there and then. She felt like she couldn’t say no and just get up and leave bc she did like me. She felt like I took all her power away. She left soon after. It took several PAGES of extremely sincere texts and eventually a few more dates after weeks of not seeing each other. I realized what I did as soon as I woke up (even though I didn’t remember all of it) and I made it right eventually. I stayed with her and became an honest man, I’ve never cheated and would never. But a woman can like you a lot, but when they preemptively make their mind up about not having sex and you wear them down and just start progressing the sex : IT IS RAPE. & Just like me, Andrew definitely knows it in his heart.

/r/Channel5ive Thread