Why are moderators allowed to run a subreddit however they want

The way to have moderators moderate mods is when they are independent of the sub Reddit. You can’t have unbiased moderation if all the mods for a subreddit are all within that subreddit

In theory this is a good idea, but in practice it just cannot work. The reason being is that every subreddit has its own set of specific rules, types of posts, and niche inside jokes. It would be impossible for the mod of moderators(I’ll call it mod2) to know the rules of every single subreddit there is. You can’t have a mod2 moderate the moderators if they don’t know the context of certain mod1 actions, why a certain post/comment/user was removed or banned. There’s too much context need that would be lacking since the mod2 is out of touch with every subreddit there is.

An example would be like if it’s against the rules to post dogs in a cat subreddit. Then a user posts a bunch of dogs and gets banned. Afterwards the banned user reports mod1 for abuse of power. Mod2 sees the report and sees that dog posts don’t break the sitewide rules, so mod2 reverses the ban plus removes mod1 from the team without realizing that dog posts weren’t allowed for that specific subreddit.

What it seems like is a moderator has a little too much absolute power with very little recourse for users.

If it’s a super small subreddit with 1-2 mods then yes. If it’s a larger subreddit with a larger mod team then no. Most mods teams keep track of their own mods as I previously said. In the grand scheme of things mods don’t have that much power. They can just give bans and remove posts/comments for a specific subreddit. They cannot ban you sitewide, but admins can.

do we agree?

I’ve never been banned before so I think we cannot come to an agreement. We both have different viewpoints that are entirely different.

Btw r/help is meant for Reddit tech support questions. Your post isn’t exactly for tech support, it’s more of a debate imo haha

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