Imagine if Onision has to look for a job to support himself

There was a video I saw a while ago about a man in prison(unsure what for) who had a pedophile as a cellmate, he was unaware he was a pedophile until the guy told him. Once he started telling him he repeatedly told him to shut up talking about it.

The guy wouldn't stop talking about it and trying to justify his pedophilia so his cellmate hit him repeatedly,e fell down and got back up went towards his cellmate. His cellmate knocked him out and strangled him to death with the pedophiles shoelaces, put him in his bed covered him and went to sleep.

He admitted it all to the prison staff and police the next day, had no remorse and I don't blame him. Basically said he deserved it, I'm sure there will be plenty of people like that who Greg could end up in a cell with and you know what he's like he probably won't shut the fuck up talking about what he's done and how he's the victim in all this.

/r/Onision Thread Parent