When should I (17M) start complimenting my girlfriend (16F) on her legs and overall body?

Ah, so that post.

The thing is, yes, I did indeed make it, and I do indeed have a leg fetish. But it's really not as bad as it sounds at first. Just let me clarify.

But I am indeed an actual 17 year old, and this post is indeed about a genuine question about a real relationship. And while I do find my girlfriend physically sexy, I still do genuinely care about her emotions and personally respect her. Also, while the innocence (I'm 17, a teenager in high school, what do you expect, off course I have sexual thoughts, no one is innocent at this age) part is false, I still do truly love my girlfriend.

One of the reasons I asked this was because since I have a leg fetish, it'd sort of be a sexual comment to her coming from me. So I was unsure if I should do it, as I assume it'd make her uncomfortable, as it's sort of my fetish, as well. It turns out that overall complimenting her legs is fine, but compliment her face and smarts even more so, so she knows I like her for more than just her legs.

Yes, some parts of this post are indeed a little fetishy. But everything I wrote about is real. But the thing is, my girlfriend didn't give it much thought when I rubbed sunscreen on her legs and such. I was the only one getting pleasure from it, as it is my fetish. She doesn't even know I find her body as sexy as I truly do.

And the part about her being a child is really not as bad as it looks. It's something she literally stated herself. And she meant that if we went a few years back, she'd be a 13 year old child in middle school/8th grade. And she just doesn't feel comfortable with sexual related stuff, as she is so young.

And yes, I did delete the post and it's comments. But I literally do that with everything of mine on Reddit, unless it holds significance. I ask a question...discuss with the responders a bit...then I get a good answer, I delete. In that one in specific, I wasn't sure if my leg fetish was normal, and then I found out that it actually is...so there we go. Delete.

Now that this post has been answered, I'm deleting it as well. Heck, the moderators of this sub-reddit have even removed the post itself, before I could even delete it.

The only post I'm not deleting is the therapist one, because I feel that one is about an important thing that I haven't been able to solve yet.

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