Always the fucking victim, aren't you P? Casually mentioned the fact that your "landlord" (mother in law) kicked you out. Why? Your fiance "lost his job". Was he laid off? Or was he FIRED? Why don't you have any family or friends who are willing to help?

Manager's angry yelling boyfriend here. I normally wouldn't take the time to respond to such petty bullshit, but since you're obviously a huge manipulator, I guess I have to set the record straight.

Spellsandsuch was a problem employee from the beginning. She had trouble making it to shifts on time (your commute is not your employers problem). Saying shit like, "being late is common in LA when you don't have a car" doesn't excuse the fact that every other employee managed to get to their shifts on time. (Clocked in, dressed, and ready to go by your scheduled time. Not walking in at your scheduled time, and on the floor 20 minutes later. Who the fuck are you?)

At the time, we had a spare room, and yes, we were behind on bills, (Not that our finances are any of your business, or the internets) but we were nowhere near desperate. If you hadn't moved in, I would've been 5 days late on rent. Embarrassing? Yes. Life-threatening desperation? No. (P.s. we have other people who want the room. They'll be moved in as soon as we're rid of you.) Stop trying to make it sound like you saved our asses.

Did we collect rent from you? Yes. $800 for a room in Whitley heights(nice area), 15min by bus to your work, with no credit checks, deposit of any kind, double occupancy WITH A PET. $800. Expensive? Maybe a little. But its Hollywood, not fucking Ontario. That's the price you pay for a short commute. Check comps in the area. Unreasonable? No. We hooked you up.

The fact that you expected to stay for free speaks to your gargantuan sense of entitlement. Welcome to adult life. Rent is now a part of it. We never mentioned putting you on the lease. That was never ever part of the agreement. I have text messages to my landlord saved from when I got the o-k to move you in, in case you or a lawyer wants to read them.

As soon as you moved in, I guess you took it as a fucking promotion? 'A' started receiving complaints that you would stand by the espresso machine all shift "dialing in" (read: wasting fucking coffee) and micro-managing coworkers. You are not a manager. You are not even manager material. People don't like working with you. How can you manage people if you can't work with people???

You're abrasive and disrespectful. Every other sentence out of your mouth is a critique or complaint. Who the fuck are you? What have you accomplished that gives you the right to question anyone on anything? How can you question the tasting/flavor notes of the person who literally fucking trained you to taste? 2 months in and youre already an expert. Fucking amazing. Took me years.

Oh, and the no-call no-show employee you speak of just put in his two weeks. He was busy touring with his band. He just got his songs on the radio and he's off to persue his music career full time.

Also, we know you (and other employees) smoke weed before your shifts (We smoke. We have noses) and don't say anything because, well it's a fucking bakery and we don't take ourselves that seriously. Trying to throw A under the bus for that is just grimey. You know you're legally allowed 1 drink at lunch with food, right? Not like she's getting behind the wheel. Guess she'll have to enforce that now. Way to fuck it up for everyone.

Whew that felt good.

In summation, Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my apartment ASAP. This song is for you:

P.s. Your macabre, "spooky" aesthetic for a cafe isn't untapped genius. It's fucking stupid. The point of a cafe is to create a comfortable place for members of the community to congregate. To create "the 3rd space." The point of horror is to create tension. To generate fear and anxiety. You think fear and anxiety mixed with caffeine is a recipe for success? Good luck with that. Asshole.

/r/jobs Thread