
First of all, you get work credit of completed study , the thought put into your reason for an 'empty,' shows you've been listening and learning in history class, application of the knowledge presents your equal efforts and mastery in the science studies, my thinking in judgement : after all, if the rest of that Columbus stuff line got swallowed with the 'discovery' hook, why not your sinker, too?

Second, many children hold both the memory of experience and the memory of it's telling by an adult. These are separate, and, also, unified in one whole. People can be much, much more than simply this, that, or both.

Finally, idk. If I was to make a guess, I'd say :

yes, all of the above.

Think about it this way :

Invisibility , a comic series super power, not real life.

Except it in several species including cephalopods

Have barely chromatophores it to the list ( TDL ) , of 'yes, that is a real thing' that list.

TDL biochemical invisibility feature naturally occurring as a super power in cephalopods.

Hexagonal skin foils & attenuated chemical responsive change, allowing reflexive alterations in color, texture, and shape ,as well as,pattern in movements. Verified observations have independently confirmed Octopi purposefully set a disguise in advance of approach ,in a stalk/hunt assist, and then shift to vanish, the oceanic version go 'nothing to see here, nothing is the threat.' It's a neat trick.

I feel sure someone can manage two humans in one mind

The question is why what benefit would it give

R making a weapon or improve a life or letting an over rent the decentness of someone's v boy .?

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