[Intro] Hi! I'm new.

Rose! I've always loved that name (Mine is Angela). Ended up making an etsy shop recently with 'rose' in the title, but it's still under construction since I don't have any of the supplies I need yet.

I'm also sitting out on college right now, I have no idea what I'm doing lol. So I thought I'd open up an etsy shop making chokers to occupy my extra time outside of my part time job. Dunno if I'll sell anything (especially considering how saturated etsy is with jewelry), but hey, if I have fun doing it then it isn't a waste. I'm more in it for the experience than the money, and I think that's the most important thing.

I mostly fill my depression with video games, or I hang out with my friend when he's not busy. The latter is more healthy probably. I also enjoy harry potter and cats c:

Every time a Marvel movie comes out, I always go to the theater by myself really early and sit all the way in the back in the middle. Even if the movie is bad, I still enjoy myself :D

Uuuhhh do you have cats? I have two. Dere preeeeetty cute :3

/r/Random_Acts_of_Etsy Thread