Japanese kids develop unconscious gender biases at young age

I call it the weeaboo’s dilemma. A lot of the people who get into starter anime tend to be Reddit types who lean left and live the woke religion. They tend to be easily offended and every issue is of very serious importance. Then they learn about Japan past the Demon Slayer and the Mario kart and they start to resent that a country making media they enjoy doesn’t subscribe to American “progressive values”. Go to the anime sub and at least once a day you will see someone, usually a self described feminist, ranting and whining about how there are tits in their anime and women are sexualized as hell (and men aren’t exempt either).

It enreages them to be told they don’t have to watch if they don’t like and that a country isn’t perfect nor will it change because you buy rubber straps of whatever anime is currently in style.

/r/japannews Thread Parent Link - english.kyodonews.net