John Varghese resigned

Chalice is Halted in Canada for over 6 months, No financials for over 16 months, two CFO's quit, Auditors quit, Chairman Varghese resigned, CEO Yapp left the company quietly a year ago to join e-Resonate. In a news release, the ex owner , ex-CEO Mr. Simpson (debtholder) is running thge company and it is believed he might be trying to takeover, go private and CHALF will zero out.

Chalice shares dropped from $1.27 (in May 2021 after the reverse split) to today's price of $0.001 or One Panny. A drop of 99.26 in 22 months. Simply, if you bought $1000 worth of shares (CHALF) on May 27, 2021, today your investment is worth under $8 (if that).

/r/ChaliceBrands Thread