Can’t buy anymore in the US?

THIS IS A BIG SCAM FOLKS, GET OUT AND MOVE ON. "If you took this CHALF pumpers advice and put your retirement money in CHALF stock. There is no sense crying over spilled milk. Those funds are lost and gone forever Clementine!"

Would a smart investor buy shares of a company: No Financials for nearly a year & a half, No CEO, NoChairma NO CFO, TWO CFO's Quit to avoid touching questionable mumbers, No AUDITOR and finally, Why would a company have a full time manipulator (quantrick, weed_dude1, MoneyTheMuffin on Reddit and Neil, midas, Nelson, Gian, Complus40 and 20 more on Yahoo) to spread Fake News

This pumper (Neil, midas and 50 others) is unethical like every post the pumper Neil (midas) makes

/r/ChaliceBrands Thread