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Hello, I'm leagueinfobot, and I will explain how Ashe's passive scales with crit.

This is the formula for calculating Ashe's passive damage:

BONUS DAMAGE: 10 + (%Critical Strike Chance X (1 + Bonus Criticial Strike Damage)) % AD

Contrary to its tooltip, IE's passive does not set crit damage to 250%. What it actually does is increasesing the bonus damage from a crit by 50%. For instance 55% crit chance with IE and PD makes her passive deal 82.5% bonus damage.

Keep in mind that her passive also gives her a flat 10% AD that does not interact with crit chance nor crit damage. Therefore,

  • Ashe with Shiv (20% crit chance) deals 130% AD (100 + 10 + 20) with her autos

  • Ashe with Shiv and IE (40% crit chance) deals 170% AD (100 + 10 + 60) with her autos

  • Ashe with PD (35% crit chance) deals 145% AD (100 + 10 + 35) with her autos

  • Ashe with PD and IE (55% crit chance) deals 192.5% AD (100 + 10 + 82.5%) with her autos

In comparison,

  • Any other ADC with Shiv (20% crit chance) deals an average of 120% AD with autos

  • Any other ADC with Shiv and IE (40% crit chance) deals an average of 160% AD with autos

  • Any other ADC with PD (35% crit chance) deals an average of 135% AD with autos

  • Any other ADC with PD and IE (55% crit chance) deals an average of 182.5% AD with autos

If you'd the math of any other ADC's autoattack damage explained, use the command "leagueinfo: dpa"

This bot is made by /u/calliphi using PRAW.

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