Reddit, what's the cruelest thing you ever did to an ex? Did they deserve it?

I recently just did what was probable (or atleast hopefully) the most cruel thing I'll ever do.

Calling her an ex isn't the best fit, she was from another country, we were incredible close, we spoke about having sex and when she came to visit we did nothing but argue and it was horrible. She then went on to accuse me/lie about a tonne of shit to friends (who I introduced her too) and then she started dating someone from my the industry I work in.

Last few months, I'll be honest I took what happened between us incredible hard and drunk a massive amount of alcohol (I started drinking before it ended with her because it was such a mind fuck of a situation). Then just last week I went to an event in another country and knew she'd be there with her 'boyfriend' (shes a poly nympho who likes open sex relationships but I'm pretty sure she may have loved me/was the first person she thought that about). I pointed her out to a lot of my friends, saying thats the girl, said what she did, what she was, kinda implied she's a massive slut/power digging type of girl and all these other things (back when I was talking to her I can honestly say I thought I'd never tell people she was a nympho because she was so private about it all/scared to tell people but I did), kinda made her look stupid and also told people how this other guy got straight into her pants once we ended and that hes a bit of a slimey scumbag. It's also important to note that within my industry I'm much more popular/powerful then her new guy and know all the top dogs/more powerful people so I have more weight and most people know what I'm like so they'd easily believe me over them anyways (because I'm a very friendly, open and helpful person).

Fast forward to the last night of the event and we have our free bar party and ofcourse both of them are there. I can't really remember shit from that because I was drunk however someone told me her bf came upto me and said stop starring at my girlfriend and I apparently pushed him and called her a fucking liar and then we argued for x amount of time before people stopped it and I believe they left. I can honestly only remember him saying 'get over it' which I can imagine I said something like how the fuck am I meant to get over it when shes right there (which is kinda true and we had a public argument on twitter ages ago so people knew there was beef between me and her).

I saw once I returned home that her new BF somewhat said he was retiring from the industry and he gave reasons like change of priority and other things but I feel like that was also in response to what happened between me and him and I have to say, I was really happy to know I wont be seeing him again.

So overall I feel like I got kinda revenge on them and I feel somewhat bad for it, I reached out to her after we ended asking for closure about what happened but no response and ultimately they kinda deserved it.

I wouldn't say I regret because I've learnt a valuable lesson from it, I've never sought revenge on someone until this and I realize I became a horrible person as result and now I'll make sure I never let anyone ever have that effect on me again. Its a positive to a very very negative thing and I hope in some way she improves as result, I wouldn't wont it too affect her in a bad way forever because I honestly still don't know if she loved me or not.

/r/AskReddit Thread