This lifted Honda Civic Shuttle.

Sure, but the equipment you need can also really vary from trail to trail. What helped us in Moab was useless up in some of the Continental Divide areas, and vice versa. I've also seen redneck ingenuity overcome obstacles I was stymied by. It's like dog doors. For millenia we had doors and let the dogs in and out. Then one day someone looked at it and said, "Fuck it, I'm puttin' a door in the door." It seems bloody obvious to all of us now, but somehow nobody had done it before. The same thing happened to me when I saw the strategic use of a log chain along a trail north of Silverton. A guy basically monkey-armed a stock (but old) F-150 around what I thought was an impassable sloped part of trail. I was there for fun. He was there because there was a rockslide on the main road and he wanted to get home before the snow started that night.

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