Looking for a CBD strain for anxiety. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.

MEDITATION. If there were a blink tag, I would have used it. Incredibly important. If you can't focus on doing nothing, you can't focus on doing anything.

I rely on cannabis, but many other herbal medicines as well. Daily CBD oil, morning and night. Ashwaghanda root is a big one for me - huge reduction in panic attacks and increase in assertiveness, and I really notice if I miss it. L-theanine helps. Dark chocolate helps. Theanine Serene helps, but if I take it twice daily it makes me irritable, so I only take one at night. Been experimenting with phosphotidylserine, not certain whether it helps yet or not, but it's shown to reduce cortisol levels significantly.

I basically went from barely functional and daily panic attacks to barely flinching in serious business situations. I still have to be very mindful of adjusting my supplementation though. Been getting more migraines lately, have to track that down now...

Not a doctor, not advice, you're probably less comfortable experimenting, but that's what works for me.

/r/portlandtrees Thread