I love this girl more then anything and I always will, I’m the blonde (28F) her (26F)

I’m sorry to hear about that. It’s a very difficult situation to go through. Idk if you’re going through what I’m about to say, but I think it’s important to say nonetheless.

Also, this probably isn’t the best place for me to talk about this, so y’all can downvote me if you want to. However, if it helps one person then I don’t care where it was posted lol.

So many people in that situation will blame themselves. “I’m such a bad friend/family member.” “If I was a good friend I would’ve seen the signs, and been able to prevent it.” I understand that thinking, but it’s just not correct. Suicidal individuals are very good at hiding their depression since they’ve been doing it for years (I’d know as I’m one of those people). You have to understand that they’re in a very dark place, and their emotions are all over the place. They end up thinking that they’re actually helping their loved ones by not burdening them with their negative thoughts/issues. They then take this a step further by thinking that once they’re gone, their loved ones will be better off. Which means that by committing suicide they think they’re actually being selfless, not selfish. So that old saying, “suicide is an extremely selfish act,” is absolute BULLSHIT and I hate it.

Of course, every situation involving suicide is different. However, this is very common thinking for a large majority of people on both sides of the coin.

PS - y’all are both hot as fuck!

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