Marcelo campaign without planned rallies: Portuguese presidential candidate Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who has yet to lay out his full program, has held no rallies, not congregated with supporters, and has no plans to bring in other party leaders to speak within their campaign

Translation (Google Translate):

Speaking to Lusa, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said that the presence of those who support it in their campaign actions - including PSD personalities and the CDS-PP, parties who recommend the vote on his candidacy - work based on the principle of freedom. "There are invitations," he said.

As for the possibility of the PSD and the CDS-PP leaders among the speakers of their campaign initiatives, the former leader of the Social Democrats said that this "is not part of the tradition of presidential campaigns" and that "there are no plans" to there interventions beyond their and their agent.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said Lusa that do not provide "rallies in the classical sense" and walk "across the country", with the exception of the Azores, who visited in November. Also you can not return the part of the Alentejo and Algarve, which has been in pre-campaign period.

The program is not closed and, according to the candidate's spokeswoman, Mariana Correa, can be defined in stages, with short notice. Campaign will be a "simple, with little money and close to the people," made "with a minimal structure," he said.

There will be the traditional "arruadas" with mobilizing supporters or "rallies or organized dinners with hundreds of people" and the thirteen days of official campaign will be passed "further north," he added.

For now, know only the script until Wednesday. On Sunday, January 10, when the official campaign starts, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa will be in Tras-os-Montes, starting the day in Vila Real and finishing in Vila Nova de Foz Coa, in the district of Bragança.

Later, will be in the districts of Guarda, Castelo Branco and Portalegre, and at the end of Tuesday's day travel to Madeira, to return to Lisbon on Wednesday.

The campaign's closing spot on Friday, January 22, is not decided, but "Lisbon is the tradition," said the Social Democrat candidate.

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