What's the point in living?

OP, I am getting the sense that you are depressed/dissatisfied with your life or feeling like you don't fit in. I had previously saved this post that a redditor made a year or so ago but has since deleted their account. So here's a 'guide' that might help you out:

First and maybe most difficult step is to sell off your stuff. I stored some of my things at my parents' house for the first year, but next time I came back, I sold it all. All you need these days is a laptop or tablet, some basic clothes, and whatever medications you might need.

Second step: think about what you can do. Is there demand in some places for teachers of native speakers of your language? If your first language is a major language, you can probably teach it somewhere. There are other kinds of jobs too. Accounting and IT work continue to enjoy strong demand in most countries, sometimes with your native language also required in global companies.

Third step: Look at pictures and descriptions of different parts of the world. Choose a place that seems exotic and exciting to you personally. Not everyone has to go to Paris. If you don't have a lot of money, take a look at developing countries where language teachers often get paid a generous middle class salary relative to the cost of living in that country. Although your savings may not be huge if you repatriate home. Call centers exist, but that's not the most glamorous option. If you're feeling nervous/scared/not sure what to expect, that means you're headed into an adventure. That's the point! Get out of your comfort zone. Avoid expat clubs - you need to experience the local culture as much as possible.

Fourth step: Once you've chosen a destination, make a plan and buy your ticket. Don't talk yourself out of it. If you have a circle of friends or family, go ahead and let them know if you like.

Fifth step: Get ready. Search for jobs in your destination online. Buy a phrasebook so you can start figuring out the new language. Daily focus on the language will be a reinforcing loop - preparing will help you feel excited and somewhat ready, and getting ready will help you feel more excited about your adventure.

Sixth step: After you arrive, walk around a lot and ride public transportation, carry your phrasebook with you, and do your best to use even the smallest amount of the local language as possible. Learn how to say where you're from. You may be surprised how many people will want to talk with you and help you learn their language, and even treat you as a guest. This is common in many parts of the world. The tiny differences in cultural cliques you know at home will be irrelevant in foreign places. They have their own minor cultural differences, and may hold stereotypical views of your country, which you can have fun trying to explain. You might also make friends who speak your native language or your second language as a second language. Most countries have a lot of young people who can speak at least broken English. Body language also expresses more than you realize. Afraid you'll have nothing to do? You can always try to figure out how to express yourself in your new language. You can always go outside and see something new. Look for an online entertainment guide and go out to some events. There were times I went alone to a cafe where a band was playing. The place was packed, so I stood against a wall. Soon, someone saw me standing alone, came up, and asked me to join their group of friends. Smaller towns and smaller countries are better for this.

Seventh step: Be flexible, and as outgoing as possible. Smile at people. Accept people's invitations. Say yes to things. Travel around the region. You may end up finding friends in unexpected places. Follow your heart and go where good people make you feel welcome.

Eighth step: Enjoy your new life in a new land but recognize that culture shock is normal, and it ebbs and flows. The unfamiliarity of everything around you - street signs, weather, language, social customs, senses of humor... all these things that make you feel confused and exhausted - are exactly why all your senses will be stimulated, which will make you feel alive again.

/r/AskReddit Thread