Men are privileged over women in India.

Firstly, weird how you first say it does not have to do anything to do with rural and urban areas. And then yourself eliminate rural areas.

Secondly, women start getting forced into marriage at younger age because of the reason you mentioned, natural cycle (I will get into that later). And I would say this statement that getting a husband and making babies is considered higher because that is how Indian households always have been working. This does not mean the men don't have responsibility towards their family. There are times when the man of the house can no take a raise or switch careers because the raise would have him leave the country alone or because switching career is bad for the family. Both the husband and the wife make their share of sacrifices. Coming to the forcing to getting married early. Men are not forced because THEY DON'T HAVE THAT CYCLE. and WOMEN DO HAVE "natural" age limitation to when can have a baby.

I mentioned in my previous comment, I am not denying to the danger a women in country has to face. It is shameful, the things that happen. But that has nothing to do with "male privilege's".

A man gets the same amount of pressure on getting married the women does. The woman does not get to choose her career and is forced to be a home-maker. The man does not get the choice of being the home-maker in the family. Say that I am wrong this? from all I know there will be a judgment from you against a man who wants to be a househusband. ( not saying it is your fault. the society has planted this judgment in you. it has been planted inside me as well)

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