Why do people think that the Twin Flame journey is an absolute joke when I’m the one experiencing it….need some advice, because I’m not crazy! It’s real!

I replied and just got told by the power that twin flames are a figment of my imagination lol

Anybody who experiences it know this isn’t the case.

My twin knows nothing about what a twin flame is; but she is confused about what goes on with us, she can’t figure it out.

She even started talking to me less at one point because she said to a friend if she’s not talking to me, she doesn’t need to understand what she’s experiencing.

Told me she finds it confusing, unique, like nothing she’s experienced before. Even used the term scary, said how things aren’t like her previous relationships where eachother has sought the other for some kind of relationship, with us it’s always developed and grown naturally.

As above she knows nothing about twin flames.

So is that supposed to be in her head?

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