Northeastern League Alliance Tournament Invitation Feb 20-22nd

You obviously have no idea how things work so let me break it down for you so you can understand.

Darkangelmystic setup and organized this event. I can dig through modmails to give you the exact time and date logan was notified and agreed to the date, but I can assure you he agreed to it roughly a week prior. I, nor any of the other TOTP mods, had anything to do with the event until the day of, when desert offered to stream it, and that was the extent of his involvement. I hadn't even planned on being present for the matches at all, as I had a prior engagement to attend.

My opinion is the same as it was previously, you're an emotional player, and you like to talk shit and troll, especially when you tilt. I can give 1st hand accounts if needed, but it doesn't change the situation. Nobody has ESP, and if you weren't happy with the roster we fielded, you could have made that complaint to any one of the TOTP mods direclty, or sent a message thru our modmail.

Not a single complaint was made, or even hinted at, until you lost the 1st game and decided to directly talk shit to the players of the TOTP team, and only at that point did anyone know you and your team were unhappy with our roster, and we made changes to it to appease those issues. Not really sure what more you expected.

I'm truly sorry if for whatever reason you think this was anything more than a fun match between communities, because thats all it was.

You can get into it however you wish, if you have more to say you don't want to say in public (although I'd prefer it to be public), you can message me directly or send a modmail, or hell, I'll be on TS in about 2 hours if you'd like to discuss it verbally.

I'd be sad if the relationship between TOTP and Loldads ended, as their are tons of cool things we can do between the communities, but if thats the case, then so be it. I'm pretty sure nothing would change anyway, as its up to each and every player to decide who/what/where they play and with whom.

Not sure what you mean by me wanting to get my digs in, all I've done is stated facts and explained the situation from my point of view.

/r/totp Thread