Grandpa learned a new word ✨triggered✨

You guys are fucking ridiculous.

You have a hard time finding purpose in life and finally covid finally gave you that purpose you needed! Go defend the sick and the dying! You are doing such a good job! All these BLM protests are a really good idea during such a horrible global pandemic but these small businesses can’t remain open because it’s a public health concern.

I will literally go to war over this and I’m fairly fucking certain I’m in way better shape than the majority of people on your side. We have guns to.

Try to mandate my small business gets shut down.

People are going to start standing together and you guys should get worried. We are over it.

Covid is not dangerous. It is only dangerous to a drug addicted obese society who’s bodies can’t naturally fight off a disease so they rely on vaccines.

What a fucking great society we live in.

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