Off shoulder

I understand where you're standing this may be a fair assessment. But maybe we can widen your perspective a bit, or at least give you another vantage and describe our view, and you can make a determination.

We recoil from Puritanism because it limits our ability to be something we could be due to constraints not our own, and further denies our ability to communicate an idea or expression of ourselves and the way we see things to anyone else who may want to listen or see things similarly.

This alone we know from colonial Calvinism to Hawthorne.

What if there were an even more demanding, controlling type of worldview, one in which another person could not express something given or experienced unless it met very slim set of predetermined conditions not written in a book or as a means to salvation, but wholly dependent on the individual desires of the observer.

You meet someone in a store, they run up and want to tell you, hey, let me share with you what I have seen, I know, something maybe I have been a part of, can share with you in some free and clear way, and you immediately demand they say only one thing. Only say the things you want them to say.

We'd like to think beauty exists outside our desires and self interests and that a moment of beauty can be conveyed through poetry, songs, maybe pictures.

What if untethered from our biological imperatives beauty can still exists, not beholden to what we do with it, or to what extent it meets our conditions.

What if it simply exists and by being here in the same time with us, someone's experience of beauty can be shared, conveyed, transmitted, delivered?

There's zero wrong with how we feel looking at a bikini model in the passenger seat of a Ferrari 430. But is it possible beauty exists regardless of the Ferrari or the our baser desires and demands? How would we know?

If beauty exists pulled from the ether into the same time on to same planet with us, why not try and refrain from demanding the expression and experience of beauty meet our own Puritanical self-interested conditions?

Beauty is there, in line at the store, or across the hall, maybe your friend, or someone you know.

We don't remove posts with too much cleavage because we want to restrict what you can see.

We do it so can beauty is able to be conveyed as we think it exists - without our desires and Puritanical demands that it do something crafted specifically for us, and dictated by us.

Beauty will always exist. Maybe by removing the religion that demands a show for us, there's an expression of beauty that's more than the happenstance of whether or not it's for us.

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