Oh okay interesting...

I was having a really shit week last week. Real shit. Like I wanted to pack up my 15 year career and just start over as a laborer somewhere because I didn't want to be here anymore.

A co-worker comes over, right after I had shoved 2 cookies in my mouth, and asks "hey how are you?"

I did not want to talk about it, and I really don't do small talk well, so I cover my mouth and try to get out "hey what's up?"

She stares at me and asks again, "How are you?"
My honest answer is "really fucking bad, but you don't care, and you can't do anything about it, and I don't want to talk about it so how can I help you?"

But what I say is "hey what's up?" again?

She stares at me, and super aggressively storms out and says "you know what I'll come back later."

This was on a Friday afternoon, and this person is only talking to me because she needs a new voice on a commercial (for radio) but I don't know that yet. So now on top my own bullshit, she had to throw hers on the fire too. Thankfully I figured out what she needed and got someone else to voice the spot, but it was just the last thing I needed then. Fridays are usually nightmares on the production end because I don't get scripts until the last minute pretty regularly. So I definitely didn't need this so late in the day.

I feel better now, but that was just some goddamn bullshit and I would have loved to go to the roof just to look.

/r/oddlyspecific Thread Link - i.redd.it